Monday, March 30, 2009

Black Sheep: Frogged.

As much as I would like to agree with the name, this yarn is more like a nightmare. It's super perfect for making the body of the black sheep I am constructing. I got half way through and realized if I kept making him that large, I would run out of yarn. I started decreasing (he would just have a big fluffy butt) but then it looked weird. As much as I wanted it to work out, logic kicked in and I knew I had to frog it. Even though I put half a weekend's worth of work into it, I figured it was a good thing. I could go up a hook size or 2 and use less stitches and my little sheep would be perfect.
Frogging turned out not to be that much fun on fur yarn (when is it ever fun to frog your work, really?). It took twice the time to rip out than it did to stitch it.
Now, we are back to square one.
to be continued. . .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Sweep.

Seeing as I look pictures via Photo Booth for my Ravelry page (it was so sad!), I figured I should share them here, too. YaY
This is The Sweep. 
It was a practice run for the one I am making for a co-worker. Hers will be pink and grey. I just took a simple beanie pattern and added on the brim from Alison Grenier's Crochet Brim Hat pattern, found here (or you can find it on ravelry). 


So, this blog is going to be harder to keep up with than I thought.
I'm going to have to start taking pictures with an actual camera and upload them because that last post was supposed to be posted 4 days ago.

Oh well. . . I will work on this.

It's growing!

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

What does a happy weekend look like to you?

This would be mine.
(sorry about the quality of pic)
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So? So Buttons

I think I just got ass raped experienced highway robbery for some buttons.

That's what I get for being crafty in New York City.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Skein speak.

So, after I started crocheting (about 4ish months ago) a co-worker had a skein of Red Heart he gave to me to make whatever I wanted with. I wanted to make something for him, so I asked him what he wanted. He said potholders. Easy enough, right?


Why? Because the yarn doesn't want to be potholders. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. So, a project that would normally take an hour or so as taken me over a month and I still have to make one more.

(Does the yarn ever speak to you? Do you get a feeling about what it would look amazing as? Or am I just ready for the white jacket?)

And so it begins.

This is going to be a super fun place for my new super fun obsession.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!